The Mideastwire Blog

Translations of the Arab Media & Analysis of US Policy in MENA

Why the judgement against Karma Khayyat is disappointing: Another case of STL “selective justice”

The main issue with the STL – for me – has always been that its early and often and evident political manipulation greatly undermines its lofty mandate to “meet the highest standards of international justice.”

Even the great supporter of the STL, Michael Young, and many others, suggest that the STL has been politically manipulated: Michael of course only when the STL has gone “off track” in his view and not zeroed in properly on Syrian involvement – a critique which therefore acknowledges the politicized nature, and the manipulation, that has marred the STL almost from the beginning.

As for the Khayyat judgement, it is disappointing not because of her case in itself – I cant evaluate that…. but rather because of all the many many many destructive leaks etc by many new orgs and journos over the last 10 years – NONE of which have been brought before the court.

Strange, right, that the only two cases involve vociferous critics of the STL!

Strange and another sad mark on a process that could have been and should have been far better.

Written by nickbiddlenoe

September 18, 2015 at 2:31 pm

Posted in Uncategorized