The Mideastwire Blog

Translations of the Arab Media & Analysis of US Policy in MENA

Jordanian monarchy, worried by ISIS-Iran-Iraq is accepting 60 km border with An-Nusra in South Syria

The release by the monarchy of Nusra theologian Makdisi is but the tip of the problem.


Translated today by

“…But what is certain is that the talk about the strategic defense of the Jordanian border with Iraq and Syria is earning wide popular support… Political circles linked the critical and dangerous content of the King’s interview with Fox to the scenarios that could result from Jordan’s retroversion and its tending to its interests, and what is happening in Iraq and Syria where a “non-confrontational rivalry” – that is unlikely to turn into a friendship – was reached with An-Nusra Front and has formed a 60-kilometer long “barrier” on the border between Jordan and Syria… Indeed, the practical threat in the Jordanian national priorities is represented by ISIL, which is why the “channels of understanding” that could have always been opened with An-Nusra Front in Syria have become likely to emerge, especially after the Jordanian authorities’ recent release of Sheikh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi…”

Written by nickbiddlenoe

April 20, 2015 at 8:05 pm

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